The Mom-iform

28 Jul

It’s official people.  I am a mom.  And come September I will no longer be a mom in my early twenties, I’ll be a mom of my late twenties.  My figure is in its worst state ever!  Don’t worry, I don’t plan on exhausting the world-wide web with my post-four-babies body woes, but it’s made me seriously rethink what “my style” is.  Frankly, I haven’t had a “style” in about four years.  Since I’ve been cranking out the babes, it’s always been what worked, what we could afford, and what was easy to slap on everyday.  I know many of you can relate, and many of you readers might be able to relate sooner rather than later, so take notes!

A couple of months ago, I decided to get a uniform figured out for myself that would be a no-think outfit I could throw on everyday and look cute.  I decided it should just be a black shirt (never found a good cut though), jeans, cute and comfy shoes, and spice it up with accessories and cardigans.  Hair for me is always pulled back, and frankly, I like it that way!  While practicing this mom-iform the past couple of months I stumbled upon something Gwyneth Paltrow wrote on her blog GOOP… I’m going to share it, because it really is good stuff!  Think what you may about Gwyneth and her GOOP, but this article hits the nail on the head for the mom-iform which, I knew I needed to figure out for myself.    Read the full newsletter here.

I think this is going to be my fall mom-iform (just, you know, thicker and possibly with more jewelry).  So brace yourself, you’re going to see me looking like this.  A lot.

Then she suggests the following which I LOVE!

I need that trench!  It’s so perfect!

And finally this is an outfit that I’m pretty confident would look good on me (in present state and all!)

So, I might be on the hunt for those pants.  The jacket is great for the Pacific Northwest climate, and perfect for camouflaging any weird mid-section lumps.  Me like.

Here’s the craziest thing – I think she wrote this last fall!  Still looks pretty current if you ask me!  (Or maybe I’m a stay-at-home mom and it IS current comparably?  Do I care?  Not really.)

So – Do you have a fashion stand-by that you rely on?  What’s your fashion secret?  Spill it!


5 Responses to “The Mom-iform”

  1. Rayia July 28, 2010 at 10:56 am #

    I LOVE those wide leg jeans. You can do almost anything with a nice pair of wide leg jeans. They look great with cute T-shirt for day, dressy blouses for dinner and dates and they look classy with all manner of jackets and sweaters for Fall/Winter!
    I find that adding a splash of color via a scarf, jewelry or shoes adds a lot of “glamor” to my otherwise plain and simple Mom-iform!

  2. Liz July 28, 2010 at 11:45 am #

    Those are totally you! I could definitely see you wearing the last look.

  3. grace July 28, 2010 at 4:23 pm #

    Cookie magazine used to have wonderful mom uniforms for every season. That is before they shut down. (cries eyes out.
    Gwen’s are great too. A dress with accessories has been my stand by for a long time. For the colder months I throw boots and tights on, and it still works well. I think I’m stickin’ too it.

    Bethany I”d love too see some look as you put them together.

  4. Fallon Jones August 1, 2010 at 2:03 pm #

    It’s all about the riding boot. They are comfy and in my opinion, add a hint of class to all outfits. I love riding boots paired with leggings because leggings provide optimal movement and comfort when chasing the kidders around. But beware- whatever shirt/dress/sweater worn must be long enough to reach mid-thigh or else you’ll end up looking like a ridiculous horse-jockey in hotpants herding your kids around.

  5. Kristen August 2, 2010 at 8:29 am #

    Oh Bethbo– you are so cute! I am sure- even in the past 4 years you have still looked great! I hear you though on the late twenties thing… I’ve now been in my late twenties for 7 months, and it’s kinda sad… maybe I need to find a new style, although, my expanding belly may put a damper on that…

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